Amazon Store Bestseller



S No    Description                               Details

1 Capacity                                        1020 kg

2 Type of Doors                            Centre opening E/M

3 No.of Floors                                10

4 Opening Size                              900mm

5 Type of Machine                        Gearless

6 Motor Make                                  Schindler

7 K/W                                                  11.5 kw

8 Amps                                                20amps

9 Size of ropes                                belt

10 Gove.Make                                  Schindler

11 Controller  make                      Schindler

12 Controller model                      biodyn

13 Make of Drive used                Schindler

14 Drive Capacity                          42CVR

15 Car Lights working                    yes

16 Car inside Fan working          yes

17 Cop condition                            ok 6 pcs switch cover change

18 All the Buttons in cop            ok

19 Car position Indicator            ok

20 Capacity plate                            1020 kg

21 Safety Tips display in car      ok

22 Car top Inspection  condition yes

23 Car top stop switch ok

24 sos switch ok

25 All landing doors mec.lock ok

26 All landing doors elec.lock ok

27 Floor marking on inside doors ok

28 Car door switch working        ok

29 Pit ladder                                      fixed

30 Pit stop switch-1                          ok

31 Pit Buffer springs                        ok

32 Pit Buffer clearance for c/w    300mm

33 Pit light                                            ok

34 Screen Gourd                                Fixed

35 Pit Clean                                        ok

36 Car top fall protection              no

37 Emergency light                          ok

38 Emergency Alarm                      Ok

39 Deflector sheave                          NA

40 Floor marking on main ropes NA

41 Rope Maintenance                    NA

42 Brake operation                          ok

43 Brake slip                                      NA

44 Governor                                      ok

45 Gov.Maintenance status        Monthly

46 Emergency rescue instrument ARD

47 ERO- Display                              na

48 Machine room lighting        na

49 Main sheave gourd                na

50 Gov. Gourd                                Yes

51 Car Top sheave gourd            NA

52 C/W sheave gourd                  NA

53 Load weighing system          Yes

54 Auto fan cut off                      yes

55 Floor Annunciator                NA

56 Music card                                  NA

57 CC TV                                            Provision available

58 ARD Make                                  Schindler

59 No of Batt.                                  2nos

60 ARD  condition                          OK

61 Intercom                                      OK

62 Infrared door protection      OK

63 Escalation Matrix                    yes

64 Lubricants  Availability            Yes

65 Electrical drawings                  yes



1 Main switches identity Ok in operation

2 Motor earthing Ok in operation

3 Motor running condition Ok in operation

4 Motor heat Ok in operation

5 Up/Down key funciton-Top Ok in operation

6 Up/Down key funciton-Bot Ok in operation

7 Stop switch at lower end Ok in operation

8 Stop switch at upper end Ok in operation

9 Hand rail gourd switch low end Pending

10 Hand rail gourd switch up end Pending

11 Hand rail function .Left from bottom Ok in operation

12 Hand rail function .Right from bottom Ok in operation

13 Comb plate switch bottom side Ok in operation

14 Comb plate switch Top side Ok in operation

15 Drive chain tension switch Ok in operation

16 Platform safey limits-Top Ok in operation

17 Platform safey sensor switches-Top Ok in operation

18 Platform safey limits-Bot Ok in operation

19 Platform safey sensor switches-Bot Ok in operation

20 Smooth Steps movements Ok in operation

21 Skirt panel clearance Ok in operation

22 Operational Noise in steps In operation

23 Lights in machine area Ok in operation

24 Lights in Pit area Pending

25 Decorative lights under steps Pending

26 Platform lifting keys Ok in operation

27 Electrical Drawings Pending

28 Lubrications availablity Ok in operation

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